New Delhi: Congress on Monday shook hands with Rashtriya Janadhikar Party in Uttar Pradesh in the wake of upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Party’s state Chief Raj Babbar revealed the same in Lucknow. Two have sealed the deal with 7 seats to Janadhikaar Party, of which party’s leader will contest on 2 seats with Congress’ symbol.
There is a dissent in Congress after an alliance with Babu Singh Kushwaha’s party, who was a minister in BSP Chief Mayawati’s cabinet. The anger of Congress workers could also be seen in Lucknow, where party’s General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra visited on Sunday. Priyanka was cornered by party workers; who sought breaking alliance with RJP. The matter was somehow calmed by Priyanka’s security team.
Babu Singh Kushwaha: The man who had led to a rift in Congress?
Kushwaha was in jail for many years and is being probed by CBI over NRHM scam. Even Congress president Rahul Gandhi had protested against him and he marched to CBI office in Lucknow in 2011.
Kushwaha who was a senior leader in Mayawati cabinet, is being probed by major agencies like CBI and ED. Even recently, he was linked to Smarak scam and a case was filed against him over the same.
After irregularities in NRHF, Mayawati had sacked the then Family welfare minister Kushwaha.
Now, questions are being raised on Congress over joining hands with a person with ‘tainted’ past. Speaking on the same, Congress’ media spokesperson Rajiv Bakshi said “We have joined hands with RJP, what does Kushwaha have to do with it?”
Lok Sabha elections: Dissent in Congress as party joins hands with RJP in UP
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
18 Mar 2019 11:04 AM (IST)
Kushwaha who was a senior leader in Mayawati cabinet, is being probed by major agencies like CBI and ED. Even recently, he was linked to Smarak scam and a case was filed against him over the same.
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