After his rally in Muzzafarpur, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Saran in Bihar on Monday for another election event. During his address, Modi said the ongoing Lok Sabha polls are “an election of resolve for a developed India”.

"Today, India has a reputation in the world... This election is to increase the prestige of the country..." PM Modi said. 

PM Modi, he said, "is the servant of the country and will work 24x7". The people’s dream, he added, is his resolve. "Aapka yeh Modi, yeh aapka sevak hain. Your dreams are my resolve and, for this, 24/7 for 2047. This is Modi’s guarantee," he was quoted as saying. 

PM Modi said the I.N.D.I.A bloc dreams of installing five prime ministers within 5 years at the Centre. He asked the crowd whether a country would benefit if the prime minister changed every year. "If your child’s teacher changes every 2 months wouldn’t you go ask for the reason? Would it benefit your child?" he said. 

“Modi will not allow the reservation of Dalits and backward classes to be looted," he added, reinvoking his criticism of the Congress for allegedly introducing a "Muslim quota". "Modi is the guard of the deprived,” he said. 

The Modi government, he added, has decided to provide 10% reservation to economically backward upper castes for all those communities/classes that do not come under the 50 per cent quota as capped by the Supreme Court.

He said that the 10% reservation wasn’t created by looting people. Referring to the Congress manifesto, he said, “Both RJD and Congress parties are slaves of appeasement. Congress party is saying that they will X-ray your property... They will snatch it and distribute it to strengthen their vote bank. Congress leaders say that Muslims have the first right on properties..."

On Tuesday, at 11:40 am PM Modi will file his nomination papers. Before this, he will visit the Kaal Bhairav temple.