Hours after quitting Congress, Adhiraj Mohan Panigrahi joined (Biju Janata Dal) BJD on Wednesday in Odisha. Talking to reporters, the newly joined BJD leader said, "Taking inspiration from the ideals of the Chief Minister, I am joining the BJD today. I have never done the politics of tickets. I will work with whatever confidence the Chief Minister places in me.
Expressing no hard feelings for the grand old party, Panigrahi further said, "I have no complaints with Congress...I have worked in Congress for 25 years. Congress gave me respect, I too gave them respect. But in today's situation, if you want to see the progress of Odisha, it is necessary to have the CM's blessings".
Earlier, Panigrahi had resigned from the Congress. In his resignation letter to Congress state president Sarat Pattanayak, Panigrahi, a first-time MLA, gave no reason for leaving the party. The reports had already said that Panigrahi was likely to join BJD. According to reports, Panigrahi Denied having a problem with the grand old party.
It is to be noted that Panigrahi won the 2019 election over the BJD. He had defeated BJD's Lambodar Nial by 2,858 votes. As per records, Panigrahi won 59,308 votes, while Nial received 56,451.
READ | Ahead Of Lok Sabha Polls Odisha Congress MLA Adhiraj Mohan Quits Party
His departure has prompted speculation. According to a report by TOI, the party seems unconcerned and believes it will find a substitute for Panigrahi.
The Congress state president Pattanayak said Panigrahi's move will not affect the party's prospects in Khariar. "We aren't concerned about Panigrahi's departure from Congress. Leaders resign and join new parties during elections. "We'll get his replacement," Pattanayak said, TOI reported.