Actor Kangana Ranaut on Friday kicked off her Lok Sabha poll campaign from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh where she was seen addressing the people gathered at her road show. The 'Queen' actor had received a party ticket from the Bharatiya Janata Party to contest in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections from Mandi. During the roadshow, Kangana was heard telling the people of Mandi that she was not a heroine or a star but their sister and daughter. "Everyone is my family," the actor-turned-politician stated.

During the public address, the BJP candidate also hit out at Congress for "doing cheap politics" and stated that the grand old party did not accept her nomination from Mandi.  She also criticised Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over the 'Shakti in Hindus' row. 

"Their leader Rahul Gandhi talks about destroying the 'shakti' in Hindus. Their spokesperson makes derogatory remarks about the women of Mandi. Mandi has been named after Rishi Madav. Mandi is the place where Rishi Parashar sat in penance. Mandi organises the biggest 'mela' on 'Mahashivratri' every year and they make such disrespectful remarks against women of Mandi. But what else can be expected from them?" Kangana stated.

BJP’s Mandi Lok Sabha candidate Kangana Ranaut also stated while addressing the public gathering that she feels fortunate to have gotten the opportunity to be nominated from Mandi. Training guns at the film industry she stated: "I have to remember a lot of names (of party leaders). It will take time, however I am aware that I can make a few mistakes here. But this isn’t a film industry that I will be crucified."

Earlier, Kanagana's mother, Asha Ranaut who was also present at her roadshow, reacted to Congress leader Supriya Shrinate's post against her daughter. 

"She too has daughters and daughters-in-law at home. If she speaks like that then they should think that if someone speaks like that against their own children, how would they feel? I too have that same pain in me. Why should I call out the entire party if one individual speaks derogatory language? Not everyone is bad," Kangana's mother stated.