Earlier in the day, voters were queued up in considerable numbers at polling stations to exercise their franchise as voting to elect 175 Assembly and 25 Lok Sabha members in Andhra Pradesh began at 7 am on Thursday. However, in many places EVMs had glitches resulting in some delay in polling, an official said. Citing the issue, Kejriwal questioned, "Why are all faulty EVM machines seen to be voting always for BJP?", "Why do most deleted voters turn out to be anti-BJP voters?", he further asked.
Further, he retwitted AAP's social media team member's tweet on NAMO TV allegedly being funded by Pakistan, in which Kejriwal has asked, "Is Pakistan funding NAMO channel?"
This comes after he hit out Modi after Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said he believes there may be a chance for peace if BJP is re-elected. "Pakistan and Imran Khan are openly supporting Modi ji. It is clear now that Modi ji has some secret pact wid them. Everyone is asking - did Pakistan kill 40 of our brave soldiers in Pulwama on 14 Feb just before elections to help Modi ji?" Delhi CM had said on social media.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Electoral Officer Gopal Krishna Dwivedi cast his vote in Tadepalli and said there were complaints about technical glitches in EVMs in about 50 places. Technical teams were on the job to rectify the defects and enable polling, he said.
There are a total of 3,93,45,717 registered voters in the state, including 1,94,62,339 male, 1,98,79,421 female and 3,957 transgenders. Of the total, 10.15 lakh are first-time voters in the age group 18-19. As many as 2,118 and 319 candidates are in the fray for 175 Assembly and 25 Lok Sabha seats respectively.
Polling would end at 5 pm in the Left-wing extremism-affected areas, mostly those bordering Odisha and Chhattisgarh.