With less than a week left for the first phase, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will today be addressing public rallies in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. BJP president Amit Shah will take part in a roadshow in the pilgrim town of Puri. Shah's roadshow will begin from Singha Dwara Lion's Gate of Shree Jagannath Temple and culminate at the Mausi Maa Temple in Puri.
On the last day of the election campaign for the first phase of voting on April 11 to elect the 17th Lok Sabha, Congress president Rahul Gandhi will today visit Assam, Bihar, and Odisha. The silence period, when campaigning in poll-going areas is barred, begins Tuesday evening.
All parliamentary constituencies in 10 states and Union Territories will go for polling in the first phase. These include Andhra Pradesh (25 seats), Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya (two seats each), Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep (one seat each), Telangana (17 seats) and Uttarakhand (five seats).
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal will see polling in all the seven phases.
In the first phase, eight west UP constituencies, two in West Bengal and four in Bihar will go for polls. UP has 80 seats, while West Bengal and Bihar have 42 and 40 Lok Sabha seats respectively.
The Jammu and Baramulla seats in Jammu and Kashmir will also go for polling in the first phase.
The Election Commission on Monday said that predictions about election results by astrologers, tarot card readers and others in media when there is a ban on broadcasting exit polls are a violation of law. The poll body's advisory comes days before the first phase of Lok Sabha elections is to be held on April 11.