Lok Sabha Elections 2019: Hitting back at Bharatiya Janata Party, Sam Pitroda on Friday said BJP has twisted his three words from the interview to distort the facts. Taking to Twitter, the Congress leader in a series of tweets alleged that the saffron party is attacking him with lies because they can not talk about their performance in this election. "I have noticed how BJP is again twisting three words from my interview to distort facts, divide us and hide their failures. Sad that they have nothing positive to offer," Pitroda said in a tweet.

Also Read |  '1984 anti-Sikh riots happened, so what?' says Congress' Sam Pitroda; BJP demands apology

Clearing his stand on the 1984 riots remarks, Pitroda said, "I acknowledged the pain of my Sikh brothers and sisters during difficult times in 1984 and deeply feel for the atrocities that happened. But these are things from past that are not really relevant to this election which is all about what did modi government do for the last five years. Rajiv Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi will never target a group of people based on creed."

"BJP is talking about these issues and attacking congress leaders with lies because they can not talk about their performance and have no vision to take india forward to inclusively growth and prosperity for all with focus on Jobs, kids and more Jobs," the Indian Overseas Congress chief further said.

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Asked about the 1984 riots, Pitroda had reportedly said: "84 mein hua to hua."

BJP on Thursday quoted this as a 'shocking' statement from the Congress leader and has demaded apology from him. The BJP leader accused the Congress of playing with public feelings. "Pitroda was Rajiv's colleague and Rahul's guru. If the guru is like this, how will the 'chela' (disciple) be? This is what is Congress doing... completely insensitive of public feelings." "They must apologise. We demand that Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi should apologise, not only to Sikhs but to the entire country as it is an offence unacceptable to the country," Javadekar added.