New Delhi: Coming down heavily on the Opposition Congress, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao said if the party comes to power, it will bring back the ‘middleman raj’ in government offices, news agency PTI reported. Addressing a rally in Suryapet in the poll-bound state on Sunday, the BRS chief questioned the grand old party over its promise to pay Rs 4,000 as social pension if elected to power, asking why isn’t such schemes implemented in states where it is in power.
"The Congress, which has ruled the country for 50 years, used to give only Rs 200 per month to the elderly as social pension. Now they say, 'give us a chance, we will make it Rs 4000' (per month)," KCR said.
“Are they giving it in Chhattisgarh where they are in power? Are they giving it in Karnataka or Rajasthan? Is there a separate policy for each state?” KCR said in a dig to the Congress.
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Further hitting out at the Congress over its “poor governance” in neighbouring Karnataka, KCR alleged that Bengaluru has been experiencing frequent power cuts ever since the party came to power in the state.
Earlier in the day, KCR inaugurated the Integrated District Collectorate in Suryapet.
Earlier last month, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi announced that if the party is voted to power in Telangana, widows and senior citizens will get a monthly pension of Rs 4,000 each. The Congress leader made the announcement at a rally ‘Telangana Jana Garjana’.
“Today we are announcing another historic step. Senior citizens and widows will get Rs.4,000 each as pension every month,” news agency IANS quoted Rahul Gandhi as saying.
It is to be noted that currently, the BRS government provides Rs 2,016 per month as the social pension for senior citizens and widows under Aasara Pension Scheme.