New Delhi: Conceding defeat in Himachal Pradesh, outgoing chief minister Jairam Thakur said he has tendered his resignation to the Governor on Thursday.

"I have handed over my resignation to the Governor. Will never stop working for the development of people. We need to analyse things. There were some issues that changed the direction of the results. I will go to Delhi if they call us," news agency ANI quoted Jairam Thakur as saying. 

“I respect people's mandate & I want to thank PM & other central leadership during last 5 yrs. We'll stand for the development of the state irrespective of politics. We'll analyse our shortcoming and improve during the next term,” he added.

It is to be noted that after four hours of counting, the grand old party seemed to have an edge over the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as the Election Commission data showed that the Congress was leading in 37 constituencies - two over the required majority of 35.

Meanwhile, the Congress party has convened a meeting of all its newly-elected Himachal MLAs in Chandigarh after the declaration of the Assembly election results. The meeting is likely to pass a resolution authorising the Congress chief to elect the CLP leader.

As trends indicated a comfortable win for the Congress in Himachal Pradesh, AICC in-charge of state Rajeev Shukla said the party was happy that it is getting an opportunity to form the government in the hill state and said  that the Congress will do everything to fulfil the 10 assurances given to the people and would provide better governance to people.

"The newly-elected Congress MLAs would meet in Chandigarh post-election results and decide on electing the new legislature party leader," news agency PTI quoted Shukla as saying.