New Delhi: The Congress party on Sunday claimed that the ruling BJP is losing in Himachal Pradesh and even Prime Minister Narendra Modi has acknowledged the same. In a press conference at AICC HQ, the party also accused PM Modi of misusing the authority of his position to affect the free and fair elections in the state.

Congress spokesperson AM Singhvi said, “A video is going viral in which PM Modi is threatening rebel BJP leader Kripal Parmar. By watching the video you can decide how panicked and nervous the top leadership of the BJP is at present.” Singhvi remarked that the Prime Minister is busy micro-managing the election and not concerned about the governance in the country.

“We will use our rights to put forth this issue in front of the election commission. This video proves that BJP is a nervous, panicked, and insecure party. We leave it to the countrymen to decide whether the Prime Minister be involved in these kinds of activities at all”, AM Singhvi said.

The Congress further asserted that PM Modi is only giving importance to the election work. “When the country’s Prime Minister can put in all effort to remove an expelled rebel BJP leader from the election, just imagine what could be done to bring down the elected governments,” Sighnvi said, adding that BJP has done "a Ph.D. in toppling the governments as seen in Goa, Maharashtra, and Karnataka."

“I request PM Modi that you should concentrate on the economic mismanagement of the country and not only on the election-related works. This shows fear and nervousness of your party”, Singhvi said. 

Talking about retail inflation, the Congress spokesperson said, “PM Modi should prioritise growing inflation in the country. The Consumer Price Index in rural areas has surpassed that in urban areas. The primary reason for this is the rising prices of food ingredients which directly impacts the common man.”

The election in Himachal Pradesh is scheduled to take place in a single phase on November 12 while the counting of votes will be done on December 8.