A video featuring former Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has gone viral, following an incident during his public interaction programme, Jan Samvad, in Patel Nagar, Hisar. During the event, a young man interrupted the former CM's speech, declaring that while the BJP would come to power in Haryana, the party's candidate in Hisar would lose. This statement irked Manohar Lal, who ordered security personnel to remove the youth from the venue.

The video of the incident has been widely circulated on social media. The Union Minister, who was at the event to campaign for BJP's Hisar candidate, Dr Kamal Gupta, was addressing the audience when the youth made the provocative statement: "The BJP is coming to power in the state, but the BJP candidate in Hisar will lose."

In response, an infuriated Manohar Lal called the young man forward but, as the latter enthusiastically approached the stage, security was instructed to detain him. "Take him out. How dare he," the former CM was heard saying.

Manohar Lal Khattar also addressed the growing concerns in Hisar during his speech, claiming that misinformation was being spread in the region. "There are two candidates in Hisar, but this is not true. Our candidate, Dr Kamal Gupta, must be supported and voted to victory," he urged the crowd.

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Haryana Election 2024

The incident occurred against the backdrop of the high-stakes Haryana assembly elections scheduled for October 5, where unemployment, farmers' demands for a legal guarantee on the Minimum Support Price (MSP), and the Agnipath scheme are among the key electoral issues. The ruling BJP faces significant anti-incumbency sentiment, while Congress and other parties, such as the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), are making a strong push to challenge the government's decade-long reign.

The Congress, led by Bhupinder Singh Hooda, has been particularly vocal, attacking the BJP for its handling of unemployment in the state, which it claims is the highest in the country. Hooda also criticised the BJP for failing to fill 2 lakh vacant government posts and hiring people on contract through the Haryana Kaushal Rozgar Nigam. Additionally, the Congress has accused the BJP of exploiting issues like inflation and corruption, while the ruling party has defended itself by promising to create 2 lakh government jobs without any corruption or nepotism.

The BJP has also addressed accusations regarding Dalit rights and the handling of reservation policies, with Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini accusing the Congress of being an "anti-Dalit" party. Meanwhile, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has been criticised for his remarks on reservations during an international interaction, which BJP leaders have used to bolster their claims against Congress’s stance on social justice.

Farmers’ protests, particularly at the Shambhu and Khanauri border points, are also set to be pivotal in the upcoming election. Congress has promised legal MSP guarantees for crops, while the BJP has stated it will purchase 24 crops at MSP. The contentious Agnipath military recruitment scheme has also drawn criticism, though the BJP has promised government jobs for every Agniveer from Haryana.