Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's wife, Sunita, will unveil "Kejriwal's guarantees" for Haryana, where elections are scheduled for later this year, AAP's state unit president, Sushil Gupta said on Friday. Sunita Kejriwal is set to present the guarantees during a town hall event in Panchkula on Saturday, Gupta informed.

"We don't make promises like the BJP and Congress, we give guarantees. These will be Arvind Kejriwal's guarantees, not (Narendra) Modi's hollow guarantees," he added, PTI quoted saying.

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When asked whether these guarantees include ensuring Haryana receives SYL waters, Gupta responded, "Haryana should get water. Every state should get water. Distribution of water is the job of the Central government, the prime minister." The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) announced its intention on Thursday to contest all 90 assembly seats in Haryana, asserting that people desire "badlav" (change) and have high hopes for the party.

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Gupta mentioned that the party will hold 45 meetings in Vidhan Sabha segment-wise for the upcoming assembly polls. He termed the BJP as anti-farmers and alleged the government for using all tactics, including 'lathis', tear gas, etc. to crush their agitation.

The Haryana AAP chief also claimed that the law and order situation in the state has worsened. "Jungle raj prevails in Haryana. Murder, extortions have become common. The government is unable to rein-in criminals, but they use all their might to stop farmers from proceeding to Delhi in support of their demands," he said, PTI reported.

Additionally, Gupta announced that the cousin of Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt and nephew of the late Sunil Dutt, Yuvraj Dutt, joined the AAP on Friday. He mentioned that Yuvraj was impressed by the AAP's model of governance, which includes quality education, healthcare, and employment for all.

"He lived in Mumbai earlier and also worked in many multinational companies, but has now shifted to his ancestral village Mandoli in Haryana's Yamunanagar district. He wants to serve his people. He has also started an organic fish farm," Gupta said.

Yuvraj expressed his admiration for the anti-corruption efforts of AAP, stating, "It impressed me greatly and drew me towards the party."

When asked if he would consider running in the upcoming Haryana elections, Yuvraj indicated that he was open to the idea.