Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday said that Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal is a ‘Namoona’ who sympathises with terrorists. He said that Kejriwal opposed Ram Temple in Ayodhya and asked for proof when the Indian Army did a surgical strike in Pakistan. 

“This AAP's 'namoona' who has come from Delhi is a true sympathiser of terrorism. He opposes Ram mandir in Ayodhya, asks soldiers for proof of the surgical strike in Pakistan,” Yogi said while addressing a rally in Gujarat’s Somnath. 

CM Yogi Adityanath said that “terrorism and corruption are part of AAP’s genes.” He appealed to people not to tarnish their votes for those who support terrorists and corruption. 

Talking about terrorism in the country, he said that today nobody dares to look at India and that the Narendra Modi-led government has eradicated terrorism. 

“Today, curfew has ended in Gujarat, and terrorism, Naxalism, and riots have ended in the state. Earlier, there used to be terror attacks and a riot every day in Gujarat.” 

Accusing Congress of disrespecting Sardar Patel, CM Yogi Adityanath said that when Sardar Patel wanted to do the restoration of the Somnath Temple, Jawahar Lal Nehru and Congress opposed it. 

“Because of its Muslim vote bank, Congress never wanted to give respect to your belief. Congress never wanted to restore the Somnath Temple, but it was Sardar Patel’s determination...that progressed the re-construction of the magnificent Somnath Temple,” he added. 

Gujarat will go to polls on December 1 and 5 while the counting of votes will take place on December 8. The political battle in the state has moved on from being a bipolar scenario with the Aam Aadmi Party trying its luck in the elections.