The Bihar unit of the Communist Party of India (CPI) has filed a complaint with the Election Commission (EC), accusing senior BJP leader and Union minister Giriraj Singh of hate speech.

According to a PTI report, during a campaign event on April 19 in Begusarai, the Union Minister allegedly said he would not solicit votes from "pro-Pakistani anti-nationals" or those who "have problem with nationalism". Giriraj Singh is seeking re-election from the Begusarai Lok Sabha seat.

Senior CPI leader and former Lok Sabha MP Shatrughan Prasad Singh wrote to the chief election commissioner on Sunday, demanding immediate action against Giriraj Singh, saying his remarks constituted hate speech and were a violation of the election Model Code of Conduct.

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"His statement is provocative, inflammatory, and against a particular community. The EC must examine the hate speech by the BJP nominee and appropriate action must be initiated against him for violating the Model Code of Conduct," the CPI leader wrote.

"This hate speech of Giriraj Singh will have an adverse impact on communal harmony. Besides, I would also like to request the EC to seek a written explanation/statement from the Union minister [on] why he hid the fact about the presence of Pakistan supporters in Begusarai from authorities concerned? He needs to explain it," the letter said, as reported by PTI. "The EC must initiate appropriate action against Giriraj Singh for this hate speech."

'Seasonal Sanatani'

Union minister Giriraj Singh is known for making controversial remarks. On April 11, Girijaj Singh called RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav a "seasonal Sanatani", saying that "the RJD does politics of appeasement wearing the mask of Sanatan".

The BJP leader claimed that many individuals, "including Rohingyas and Bangladeshi infiltrators", entered India during RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav's tenure in power.