Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday inaugurated 1,675 newly constructed flats for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) at Swabhiman Apartments, Ashok Vihar in the national capital.
Addressing the rally, Modi said, "...Today, India has become a symbol of political and economic stability. This role of India will strengthen even more in 2025. This year will be the year to strengthen India's position in the world. It will be the year of making India one of the biggest manufacturing centres in the world..."
During the address, he recalled his memory from the days of Emergency saying he would live in the Ashok Vihar area while being part of an underground movement.
"When I am here today, it's obvious to remember many old memories. When the country was fighting against Indira Gandhi's dictatorship, for many people like me who were part of the underground movement, Ashok Vihar used to be a place for me to live...," he said.
He also took a jibe at Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal saying, "I could've also made a 'Sheehsmahal' but for me, the dream is that my countrymen get pucca house."
Also Read: Ahead Of Delhi Elections, PM Modi To Hand Over Flats To Slum Dwellers
Further attacking Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Modi termed it as a "disaster" for Delhi, stating that the party has held the national capital in its grip over the past decade.
While the Centre is working hard on various initiatives, the AAP government in Delhi is mired in "blatant lies," PM said, accusing AAP of corruption in sectors ranging from school education to pollution control and the liquor trade.
Modi further pointed out that due to the city government’s refusal to implement the Centre’s flagship schemes like Ayushman Bharat and other welfare initiatives, he has been unable to fully assist Delhi's residents despite his efforts.
Alleging corruption within the AAP, Modi said the party "engages in dishonest practices and then attempts to glorify them," calling the party's actions shameful and its promises false.