Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday renewed attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party saying it has filed a petition seeking the deletion of 5,000 votes and addition of 7,500 votes ahead of upcoming assembly elections in Delhi.  

Addressing a press conference on Sunday, the AAP chief said, "...In my New Delhi assembly constituency - their (BJP) 'operation Lotus' has been going on since December 15. In these 15 days, they have filed an application for the deletion of 5,000 votes and the addition of 7,500 votes." 

"Why there is a need to conduct elections if you are manipulating approximately 12% of total voters in the assembly? A kind of 'game' is being going on in the name of election...," he added. 

Meanwhile, the BJP alleged AAP of adding fake votes to the voters' list. It said that the names of several Bangladeshi illegal immigrants and Rohingyas were being added to registered addresses in the list.  

BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa alleged that AAP got the names of at least 50-60 Rohingyas and Bangladeshis added to the voters list on such addresses where 2-3 people from Hindu families are residing. 

"We will definitely seek deletion of such names," Sirsa told ABP News. "We won't let even a single Bangladeshi or Rohingya vote affect the elections," he added. 

Truth About Fake Votes 

ABP News reached Mavi Mohalla under the Tughlakabad Assembly constituency in the national capital and spoke to some houseowners. One of the residents, Lalit Mavi told ABP News that 50-60 fake votes were registered at the address where his family, comprising five members, live. 

"All the names belong to one community," said Lalit's acquaintance Sachin Mavi referring to the Muslim community and showing a list on his mobile phone. 

On being asked if any tenant with such names mentioned in the voters' list lives in the house, Sachin denied saying only five members of Lalit's family live in the house. 

Another resident, Rohit Mavi also made such claims saying three fake votes were registered on his address. He denied knowing any person with names mentioned in the list.