The Delhi Police on Friday used water cannons to disperse Bharatiya Janata Party workers protesting outside Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal's residence. The BJP workers were carrying out 'Purvanchal Samman March' protesting against Kejriwal's alleged remarks against the people of Purvanchal. 

Police used water cannons to disperse the protesting workers as they tried to cross the barricades put up near Kejriwal's residence at Feroze Shah Road. Some BJP workers were also detained by the police.

The issue arose after a Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party delegation met the Election Commission and raised concerns about alleged voter irregularities in the upcoming Delhi assembly elections. 

The party flagged a significant surge in voter registrations and deletions on the seat and alleged a "voter fraud" taking place at a large scale. 

The saffron party accused Kejriwal of disrespecting the people from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Jharkhand. 

Addressing a press conference on Friday, BJP MP Manoj Tiwari said: "Arvind Kejriwal and AAP have a history of disrespecting the people from UP, Bihar, Jharkhand...How did you (Arvind Kejriwal) dare to call people from UP, Bihar, Jharkhand as fake...The promises of Arvind Kejriwal and AAP are fake...The people of Purvanchal will take revenge on 5th February." 

Slamming the BJP over the protest, Kejriwal said, "Bharatiya Janata Party has become a protest party. They sit on strike outside my house every day. Yesterday I went to the Election Commission to complain that the votes of Purvanchalis were being deducted." 

"Purvanchali community lives in unauthorised colonies, what did BJP do there?" he asked. 'We got roads, electricity, water and CCTV cameras installed there. Gave people a life of dignity," Kejriwal added.