New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has once again caught himself into a controversy claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants him dead. Earlier last week, he had irked a row over his shocking claim stating that his personal security officer (PSO) is reporting the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and that he will be assassinated by his security officer, like former prime minister Indira Gandhi. However, on Monday AAP chief made another statement that it was Prime Minister who wanted him dead.

BJP leader Vijay Goel suggested the CM to have the personal security officer of his choice if he doubts him. To which Kejriwal replied saying it is "Modi Ji who wants to get me killed, not my PSO." He further said the BJP is after his life and will kill him one day. "BJP would get me murdered by my own PSO one day like Indira Gandhi. My own security officers report to BJP," Kejriwal had told a news channel in Punjab.

Hitting out at him, Goel said it is sad Kejriwal is doubting his PSO. "It is sad that by doubting your PSO you have besmirched the reputation of Delhi police. You should choose your own PSO and if you need any help in this regard let me know. I wish you have a long life," Goel said in a tweet.

Responding to it, Kejriwal said on Twitter it is "not my PSO but Modi ji who wants to get me killed."

A day after the AAP chief alleged that he could be assassinated by police personnel deployed for his security, the Delhi unit of the BJP on Sunday requested the commissioner of police to review the security cover of the Chief Minister.

However, in a letter to Commissioner of Delhi Police Amulya Patnaik, BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor said Kejriwal's statement was "damaging" for the morale of his security staff as well as the entire police force in the national capital.