In Bengaluru, Karnataka, tensions escalated as police detained Congress workers who were gearing up for a protest ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's scheduled visit to the city on Saturday. The Congress workers had planned the protest to voice their grievances, despite the police denying permission for the demonstration.
According to ANI, Police detains Congress workers before they begin their protest, in Bengaluru. Congress workers had organized a protest ahead of the arrival of PM Narendra Modi in Bengaluru. The police had denied permission for the protest.
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On the party's protest in Bengaluru, Congress leader Randeep Surjewala said that Kannadigas demand their right. He said, "We give Rs 100 to the government of India in taxes and Kannadigas get Rs 13 back only. When they demand their share of their own taxes, Modi ji gives them 'Chombu'."
"When there has been a drought in the state for six months now, the Congress government of Karnataka is asking for Rs 17,400 crore of drought relief money for our farmers, for our poor across the state, Modi ji gives us 'Chombu'...Time to defeat BJP's government and to elect Congress nationally," he said.