New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party took swipes at the Congress party after one of its main spokespersons joined the Shiv Sena in Mumbai on Friday. Addressing a press conference, BJP leader Shahnawaz  Hussain took aim at the Congress after its leader Priyanka Chaturvedi joined Shiv Sena, saying the opposition party has become a "sinking ship".

An aggrieved Chaturvedi quit the Congress party for reinstating party workers who misbehaved with her recently in Mathura . "I kept speaking in a 'bindaas' (fearless) way despite being abused and trolled constantly," she said. "I was pained when some party workers made comments about me. After being suspended, they were reinstated," she added.

Chaturvedi said she would work towards strengthening the Sena not only in Maharashtra, but across the country. Asked why did she join the Sena and not the BJP, Chaturvedi said that as she hailed from Mumbai, her "karmabhoomi", she always felt connected to the Sena.

Further, Hussain targeted the Opposition parties saying they are in such a poor shape that nobody know which leader is supporting whom, reported news agency PTI.

His comments were in direct reference to Shatrughan Sinha, who is Congress’ candidate in Patna Sahib seat and is campaigning for his wife and Samajwadi Party nominee in Lucknow Poonam Sinha.