With barely a few hours left for the Maharashtra Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Ministers' oath-taking ceremony, Shiv Sena leader Uday Samant's comments have sparked speculations of a possible shocker in Maharashtra politics. Sena leader Sanjay Shirsath indicated that party chief and incumbent caretaker CM Eknath Shinde is still not convinced about taking the Deputy Chief Minister's post in the Maharashtra government of the Mahayuti. He said that the party MLAs were trying to convince Shinde to accept the BJP's offer.
"Eknath Shinde will listen to our request and he will take oath as Deputy CM, we believe that...he is our leader and we want him to take the oath as Deputy CM...we all are going to Eknath Shinde, we will convince and get him ready for the oath-taking," Shirsat said.
Another Shiv Sena leader Uday Samant said: "We are confident that Eknath Shinde will take the post of Deputy CM. If he does not take the post of Deputy CM, none of our MLAs will accept any responsibility in the government. Our 59 MLAs are not interested in the post of Deputy CM."
While BJP's Devendra Fadnavis confirmed on Wednesday that he would take oath as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Eknath Shinde dodged the question of whether he would swear in as the Deputy CM. NCP president Ajit Pawar, too, had confirmed that he would take oath as the deputy CM.
ALSO READ | Shinde Teases Ajit Pawar At Mahayuti Presser: 'Dada Experienced In Taking Both Morning, Evening Oaths'