Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday arrived in his home state Gujarat to cast his vote as the state went to polling during the third phase of the Lok Sabha elections today. Upon his arrival in Ahmedabad, PM Modi was welcomed by a massive crowd of people who had gathered on the either sides of the road to catch a glimpse of the PM.
Several children were also a part of the crowd who presented the PM with his sketches and portraits and got their art autographed by him.
Sia Patel, a girl who presented the PM his portrait, shared her experience saying,"I asked him for his autograph. I was waiting for this day. I can't describe it in words. He simply gave me autograph. I had been waiting for this day ever since I made the portrait. I can't describe it in words. It was a great experience."
Another boy named Devarsh Pandya, who presented PM modi a sketch said: "I asked PM Modi how is the drawing. He said it is good. He also signed it. I drew this the last night."
Another young girl who presented a sketch of PM Modi to him as he arrived in the Ranip area to cast ballot, expressed her happiness saying, "I made this on my own. He saw my sketch, asked for a pen, and gave me an autograph. I am delighted."
As PM Modi exercised his franchise and cast his vote in a polling booth located at Nishan Higher Secondary School in Ahmedabad's Ranip area amid tight security today, he urged people to cast their votes saying, “Today is the third phase of the Lok Sabha elections. I appeal to everyone to cast their vote in this democracy. The election campaign will run for three to four weeks more. I always cast my vote here in Gujarat. Union Minister Amit Shah is contesting the election from here as a BJP candidate."
Talking about his schedule for the day, he said: "I came here yesterday from Andhra Pradesh and need to go to Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Telangana (today),” says PM Modi after casting his vote.
ALSO READ| PM Modi Casts His Vote In Home State Gujarat, Urges People To Exercise Their Franchise: WATCH