Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Tuesday took a dig at the Enforcement Directorate saying it will take a short break after November 17, the day when second phase of polling would take place in the state. He made the remarks after his name has been mired in the Mahadev betting app case row, being probed by the Enforcement Directorate. 

"They (ED, IT) will take a short break. After November 17, they will take a break. They also have a family. Before Lok Sabha (elections), they will again come back,” said Baghel while speaking to reporters in Raipur. 

A video was recently released by Bharatiya Janata Party in which one, Shubham Soni, accused in the ED case identified himself as the owner of the app and claimed that he had the evidence that Rs 508 crore were paid to Baghel and others.

Baghel dragged former CM and BJP leader Raman Singh into the row saying, “Who has been caught with money, he has a photo with Raman Singh." 

"The day before yesterday, no one knew Shubham Soni. All of a sudden, he has become the owner of the Mahadev app... And he is such an owner who spends Rs 250 crores on the wedding of his servant," he said. 

"He would be the first person to do this... Two officers used to live with Raman Singh, and they used to make similar stories... This is all planted. This means that the BJP has accepted its defeat..." he added. 

ALSO READ: CM Baghel Anticipates High Turnout In Naxal-Affected Areas As Chhattisgarh Votes In Phase 1

First phase of polling is underway in Chhattisgarh on 20 seats for the 90-member Legislative Assembly. The polling on the first 20 seats began at 7 am and will continue until 3 pm while for the remaining seats, voting started at 8 am and would continue until 5 pm. 

Votes will be counted on December 3 along with Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, and Telangana.