Bahujan Samaj Party leader Mahendra Gupta was allegedly shot dead in Madhya Pradesh's Chhatarpur city on Monday night. Superintendent of Police Amit Sanghi said that the leader was shot in the head after which he died on the spot near a wedding venue on Sagar Road. The BSP leader had reportedly come to the city to attend a marriage ceremony where the incident occurred, news agency PTI reported.

"The accused fled from the crime scene," the police officer told the news agency.

Gupta's private bodyguard Abdul Mansoori stated that he was allegedly shot by a motorcycle-born man. He stated that the assailant fled the spot by the time he could load his rifle to attack him, PTI reported.

Mansoori also claimed that he had seen the attacker and could identify him.

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As per TOI's reports, a young boy who was already present at the venue opened fire at Gupta which led to his death. Senior police officers rushed to the spot upon receiving information about the incident, but the accused had fled the spot by then. Investigations are currently underway to nab the accused.

Who Was Mahendra Gupta?

Mahendra Gupta was a resident of Ishanagar town and had contested in the 2023 Assembly elections from Bijawar seat on a BSP ticket. However, he could not win the polls and secured third place after securing around 10,400 votes.

Additionally, Gupta held the position of district Vice President within BSP and had also served as a Sarpanch.

As per TOI's report, Gupta had several cases registered against him including three for attempt to murder and was even sentenced to seven years in jail in one of the cases.

The report also stated that an old rivalry is suspected to be the cause behind the BSP leader's murder.

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