New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party has sought permission from the Chief Electoral Office of Delhi to air two movies Padman and Toilet-Ek Prem Katha on NaMo TV, officials here said Thursday. The Delhi poll body has now written to the Election Commission, seeking clarity whether it can certify movies already cleared by the Censor Board.

Last month, the EC said all recorded programmes broadcast on NaMo TV be pre-certified.

Last week, the Bharatiya Janata Party applied for pre-certification of the two Akshay Kumar-starer movies to the media certification and monitoring committee of Delhi's Chief Electoral Office.

"We have written to the EC, seeking clarity on this because the movies have already been released. The reply from EC is awaited on whether we can certify the films again when they already have the certification of the Censor Board," a Delhi poll body official said.

He said the application is pending for clearance.

Till now, BJP has made 308 applications to the Delhi poll body for clearing its ads while Congress has given 120 applications and AAP 23.

The BJP, in its manifesto, has promised to ensure all reproductive and menstrual health services are easily available to all women across India and with the expansion of ongoing Suvidha scheme, sanitary pads at an affordable cost of just Re 1 will be provided to all women and girls.

Padman revolves around Arunachalam Muruganantham, a social activist from Tamil Nadu who revolutionised the concept of menstrual hygiene in rural India by creating a low-cost sanitary napkin machine and Kumar played the lead role.

Toilet-Ek Prem Katha is based on the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.  

“Met PM and got the opportunity to tell him about my upcoming Toilet-Ek Prem Katha. His smile at just the title made my day!” Kumar has tweeted while promoting his movie. Later, Kumar tweeted the trailer and tagged the PM saying “Here is my humble contribution towards a Swachh Bharat.” Once again the PM was quick to appreciate: “Good effort to further the message of cleanliness. 125 crore Indians have to continue working together to create a Swachh Bharat.”

Last Friday, the Supreme Court refused to interfere with the Election Commission's order banning release of the biopic on PM Narendra Modi until May 19. The Modi biopic, starring Vivek Oberoi, wa widely talked about during the election season. Directed by Omung Kumar, it tells the story of Modi's rise to power from humble beginnings.

Ahead of the fourth phase of Lok Sabha election in Mumbai, MNS chief Raj Thackeray launched a scathing attack at Narendra Modi-led BJP government and its schemes. He also lashed out at Akshay Kumar for his interview with the Prime Minister and Bollywood for producing promotional movies like Toilet-Ek Prem Katha and Padman. The Opposition also trained guns at Narendra Modi and Akshay Kumar for using the television interview route to promote himself as the Modi biopic hit roadblock during elections.

(With additional information from PTI)