Lok Sabha MP and Amravati BJP candidate Navneet Rana was booked for her remarks against Rahul Gandhi at Shadnagar Police Station in Telangana on Friday. The controversial remark which drew police action was 'if voted for Rahul Gandhi, vote goes to Pakistan'.
According to ANI, Case registered u/s 188 of the IPC against Lok Sabha MP and BJP candidate from Amravati, Navnit Rana for her remarks against Rahul Gandhi, at Shadnagar Police station.
The Police said, “We got a complaint from FST flying squad, EC for Violation of Rules. The complaint was given yesterday. Krishna Mohan, FST of EC who is on election duty has made a complaint on the comment ‘if voted for Rahul Gandhi, vote goes to Pakistan” made by her. The case is booked under section 188 of IPC.”
Earlier, Telangana CM Revanth Reddy requested the Election Commission to book a criminal case and arrest MP Navneet Rana for her statement. He also insisted BJP to expel her from the party.
On Thursday, in response to AIMIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi's 2012 speech in Nirmal, Telangana, where he hinted at his community's potential power in the absence of police for 15 minutes, MP Navneet Rana retorted, "While Akbaruddin spoke of the police being absent for 15 minutes to showcase their prowess... I assert, it might take you 15 minutes, but it'll only take us 15 seconds."
Navneet Kaur is contesting on BJP ticket from Amravati in Maharashtra.