Lok Sabha Elections 2019: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday claimed that the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is after his life and said that he will be assassinated just like former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by his personal security. “The BJP would get me murdered by my own PSO (Personal Security Officer) one day like Indira Gandhi. My own security officers report to BJP,” Kejriwal said while speaking to a news channel in Punjab. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convenor was in Punjab to campaign for his party which is contesting elections on all seats of the state. He said that the BJP is after his life and would get him killed one day.

Delhi CM also said that his political rivals are hatching conspiracy to assassinate him the way former PM Indira Gandhi was killed by her own security guards in 1984. He justified his claims saying that his PSOs report to the Central government and also vote for PM Modi.

Meanwhile, the Delhi police said that the security personnel posted in CM's security team are committed to their duties. "Our security personnel posted in CM's security team are committed to their duties. The unit has been providing security for several high dignitaries of all political parties," Delhi police told news agency ANI.

Speaking about the same, AAP MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj said, “After becoming the CM he has been attacked at least 6 times in presence of police. Even after such incidents no action was taken. We don't trust the Delhi Police.”

Kejriwal even has also got some buyers who support his sensational claims. Congress and the JD(S) voiced their support to Kejriwal’s claim and said there is no reason not to believe him. However, the ruling BJP at the Centre rejected the allegations levelled by the Delhi CM on the grounds that he is not that important person.

Hours after his claim, Union Minister of State for Home, Kiren Rijiju said that Kejriwal has crossed all the limits of political insanity and human impulsivity. “Arvind Kejriwal ji has crossed all the limits of political insanity and human impulsivity. How can a Chief Minister make such reprehensible statement? We are political rivals not enemies! Security of the nation and it's citizens is the responsibility of the Govt,” Rijiju said on Twitter.