The Congress party staged protests in various states on Saturday in response to fresh notices issued by the income tax department, demanding payment of Rs 1,823 crore. Denouncing what it termed as "tax terrorism" by the Centre, the Congress vowed not to be intimidated by such actions, while the BJP accused the opposition party of misleading the country after being involved in tax fraud.

According to news agency PTI, Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar expressed shock at receiving an income tax notice despite considering his case settled. He alleged the department of turning a blind eye to tax violations involving BJP leaders. Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah questioned the selective targeting by stating, "The I-T department, which aggressively targets opposition parties, mysteriously turns a blind eye to the BJP's tax violations."

BJP Accuses Congress Of Arrogance

In response, the BJP accused the Congress of attempting to mislead the people and asserted that no one is above the law. Union Minister Anurag Thakur questioned the Congress' adherence to tax laws and highlighted discrepancies in their financial disclosures.

“Congress is still arrogant due to its six-decade rule. If other political parties are honouring IT laws, why not Congress," Union minister Anurag Thakur said in Jammu, as quoted by PTI. “Should there be a separate law for the party? Is the Congress not violating the laws? If they had tax exemptions, they just had to file their returns but they failed to do it. And secondly, they have received huge cash donations but they have not declared information related to it,” he remarked on the sidelines of a public rally.

ALSO READ | 'Against Poor, Downtrodden': Assam CM Sarma Takes A Swipe At Congress Over I-T Notice

Congress Workers Hold Protests Over I-T Notices 

Indian Youth Congress (IYC) members led by president Srinivas BV were detained in the national capital during their march. The Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) organised a protest in Thiruvananthapuram, alleging BJP's attempts to financially choke the Congress.

The grand old party's state units organised protests in Jaipur, Lucknow, Chandigarh and other state capitals.

Former Union minister P Chidambaram warned that the BJP's agenda threatens democracy, echoing sentiments shared by other Congress leaders. "It's agenda of 'One nation, One election' is nothing but 'One country, One party.' This warning is for everyone," the senior Congress leader said, as per PTI.

Despite the challenges posed by income tax notices, Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh affirmed the party's resilience and determination to emerge victorious. 

"The BJP may try to unsettle the Congress by sending income tax claim notices, but the Congress is neither afraid nor slowing down. We are prepared, we will overcome, and we will emerge victorious," Ramesh remarked, as quoted by PTI. 

Congress General Secretary (Organisation) K C Venugopal had called for demonstrations across states, condemning what he termed as BJP's systematic process to undermine Indian democracy. He highlighted the financial burden imposed on the party, stating, "Already the IT department has forcibly taken away Rs 135 crore from our bank account."