New Delhi: Ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha polls in Gujarat, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) released on Tuesday its list of star campaigners, with a notable inclusion at the forefront. Despite being incarcerated, the name of AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal tops the list. Joining him on the list is Sunita Kejriwal, signaling a unified front in the face of electoral challenges. Other prominent figures featured include Bhagwant Mann, Manish Sisodia, and Satendra Jain.


In Gujarat's upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), part of the I.N.D.I.A bloc, is gearing up to contest two out of the 26 parliamentary seats. With a strategic focus on Bharuch and Bhavnagar constituencies, AAP  nominated Chaitar Vasava and Umesh Makwana as its candidates, aiming to make significant strides in the state's political landscape.

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However, AAP's campaign is marked by the absence of its chief, Arvind Kejriwal, who remains in judicial custody until April 23 following his arrest by the Enforcement Directorate in a case related to excise policy. Despite this setback, the party is steadfast in its preparations, as the deadline for filing candidacy papers looms on April 19, leading up to the single-phase elections scheduled for May 7.

Check Complete List Here

1-Arvind Kejriwal
2-Sunita Kejriwal 
3-Bhagwant Singh Mann 
4-Manish Sisodia 
5-Dr. Sandeep Pathak 
6-Pankaj Gupta 
7-Sanjay Singh 
8-Gopal Rai
9-Raghav Chadha 
10-Satender Jain 
12-Saurabh Bhardwaj 
13-Kailash Gehlot 
14-Imran Hussain 
15-Aman Arora 
16-Gopal Italia 
17-Isudan Gadhvi 
18-Hemant Khava 
19-Sudhir Vaghani
20-Alpesh Kathiriya 
21-Rajubhai Solanki
22-Jagmalbhai Wale 
23-Jewel Vasra 
24-Kailash Gadhvi 
25-Dr. Ramesh Patel 
26-Manoj Sorathiya 
27-Sagarbhai Rabari 
28-Pravin Ram 
29-Yuvraj Sinh Jadeja 
30-Raju Karpada 
31-Chetan Raval 
32-Gauri Desai 
33-Karshan Bhadarka Bapu 
34-Reshmaben Patel 
35-Naresh Poonabhai Bariya 
36-Niranjan Vasava 
37-Radhika Rathwa 
38-Pankaj Patel 
39-Jayesh Sangada 
40-Ram Dhaduk 

General elections will be held in India from 19 April 2024 to 1 June 2024 to elect the 543 members of the 18th Lok Sabha. The elections will be held in seven phases and the results will be announced on 4 June 2024.