New Delhi: In an exclusive interview with ABP News, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday slammed Manoj Tiwari for his statement in which the BJP MP said the Delhi CM might need protection from “angry people” who might beat him up for his deeds.
Kejriwal, while talking to ABP, reacted to Tiwari's remarks and said, "it was a very dirty statement."
"When I talk about work, they say that they will break my eyes, break my legs. Nothing will happen by abusing each other," Kejriwal said.
It all started in an exclusive interview with ABP News where Tiwari said, “The people of Delhi can beat up Arvind Kejriwal. They may gouge out his eyes or break his leg. I demand security from the Union Home Minister for Arvind Kejriwal. Just four days back an MLA of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was beaten up. If the people of Delhi find him (Kejriwal) anywhere, they will beat him up. Kejriwal will be punished for his deeds.”
The Chief Minister of Delhi further said, "we have done a lot of work in Delhi. Today our work is speaking. When I am going for the election campaign, people are saying that you have made arrangements for pilgrimage, electricity, and water for us. Earlier there was no electricity and water. Now electricity and water are available free of cost. People themselves are saying that they will vote for you."
RWAs To Be Empowered Financially, Politically If AAP Wins, Says Kejriwal
If the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) wins power in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) in the nation's capital will receive "financial and political" powers in addition to the status of "mini councillors," Kejriwal announced.
Kejiwal dubbed the campaign "Janta Chalayegi MCD" (Public will run MCD) and urged people to vote for them and complete their tasks "swiftly" through RWAs.
He stated that the goal of this vision is to "make people the owners of Delhi ('janta ko Dilli ka malik banana hai')".
MCD polls in Delhi are scheduled to take place on December 4 and the counting of votes polled will be done on December 7.