Former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, on Friday, confirmed that he would contest the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections from his New Delhi constituency, dispelling rumours of a possible shift to another seat. Kejriwal characterised the contest in New Delhi as a "battle between the CM sons and the common man."
The Congress has fielded Sandeep Dikshit, son of three-time Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, as its candidate from New Delhi, while the BJP is likely to field Parvesh Verma, son of former Chief Minister Sahib Singh Verma, against Kejriwal.
Speaking at the 'Agenda Aaj Tak' programme, Kejriwal stated that Delhi Chief Minister Atishi would also contest from her current Kalkaji seat. "There will be no change. I will contest from the New Delhi seat, and Chief Minister Atishi from Kalkaji," he declared.
Kejriwal reaffirmed that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is contesting the elections in his name and expressed confidence in returning to power for the fourth time. "This election is being fought in the name of Kejriwal, and I will become the Chief Minister of Delhi," he asserted. He clarified that Atishi’s role as Chief Minister was a temporary arrangement following his arrest in the excise policy case.
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Arvind Kejriwal Responds To 'Sheeshmahal' Allegation, Slams BJP Over Delhi's Law And Order
Responding to the BJP’s criticism over his residence, referred to as the 'Sheeshmahal,' Kejriwal dismissed the allegations, stating, "The bungalow at 6, Flagstaff Road in north Delhi was meant for the Chief Minister of Delhi. I lived there as the Chief Minister. If someone else becomes the Chief Minister, they will live there. I did not build the bungalow; it was constructed by the PWD." He also recalled living in a slum during his activist days.
Kejriwal accused the BJP of raising these issues to distract from Delhi’s deteriorating law and order situation, which he claimed has worsened due to the flourishing of gangsters. He stated, "The BJP is contesting the assembly polls with the 'Kejriwal Hatao' mission, while my mission is 'Delhi Bachao'."
He also disclosed that senior AAP leader and former Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia offered his Patparganj seat to educator Avadh Ojha, who recently joined the party. Sisodia will now contest from the Jangpura constituency.
The 70-member Delhi Assembly elections are shaping up to be a triangular contest among the AAP, BJP, and Congress. On the absence of an alliance with the Congress, despite their partnership in the INDIA bloc during the Lok Sabha elections earlier this year, Kejriwal explained, "Situations at the state level are different."
When asked about the growing demand within the INDIA bloc to appoint West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee as its new head, Kejriwal declined to comment, leaving the matter open-ended.
The Delhi Assembly elections are set to be a high-stakes battle, with AAP aiming for a fourth term amid challenges from both BJP and Congress.