Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday hit out at the Aam Aadmi Party supremo and former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, saying that he built a 'Sheesh Mahal' worth Rs 45 crore using the money of Delhiites and added that he needs to provide accountability to the people of Delhi for it now. Shah's salvo comes after PM Modi criticised AAP and Kejriwal during the inauguration of various development projects in the national capital.
The Home Minister said that Kejriwal had vowed that he would not take any government facility such as a car or bungalow but ended up building a 'Sheesh Mahal' for himself. He also slammed him for building the alleged luxurious residence for himself instead of focusing on infrastructural development in Delhi druing his nearly decade-long term.
Shah made these remarks as he shared an anecdote during the inauguration of the new working women's hostel block 'Sushma Bhawan' in New Delhi ahead of the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections slated to be held next month in February.
"Some children came to meet me at my home. I asked them what Arvind Kejriwal had done for Delhi. One of the children said that he built a big Sheesh Mahal for himself. When he (Arvind Kejriwal) came into politics, he used to say that he would not take a government car or a government bungalow...Today, he built a Sheesh Mahal using Delhiites' money. Kejriwal ji, you will have to give an account to the people of Delhi..." Shah said.
He further lashed out at Kejriwal listing the alleged luxurious facilities and other items at his bungalow along with their prices.
"He built a glass palace for himself in 50 thousand yards of land worth Rs. 45 crores of Delhiites... Kejriwal ji... you don't have any account to give to the people of Delhi for water, but you have installed a Rs 15 crore worth water system for just four people living in your house... You will have to answer to the people of Delhi...When he got a chance to work for the infrastructure of Delhi for 10 years, he did nothing but built a bhawan for himself," he added.
Amit Shah's salvo on Arvind Kejriwal follows PM Modi's criticism of AAP during the inauguration of development projects in Delhi. PM Modi had labelled AAP as an "aapda" that plagued Delhi for the past decade. PM Modi also claimed that he could have also built a 'Sheeshmahal' for himself, but instead chose to build homes for the people.
The Bharatiya Janata Party has been mounting attacks at Kejriwal, alleging that the former CM spent exorbitantly on his official residence during his tenure.
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