A stiff challenge awaits the BJP in Madhya Pradesh, where elections are due later this year, after it suffered a setback in Karnataka. A survey by ABP-CVoter has revealed a close contest between BJP and Congress in Madhya Pradesh, with both parties expected to get 44 per cent of the vote share.
The survey shows that Mayawati's BSP is expected to garner two per cent of the votes while other parties and independents may bag almost 10 per cent.
In the 2018 polls, the Congress' share improved from 36.4 per cent in 2013 to 41.4 per cent. The BJP's vote share had come down from 44.9 per cent to 41.3 per cent.
ABP-CVoter Opinion Poll | Close Contest On Cards Again In Madhya Pradesh, Congress Marginally Ahead Of BJP
In terms of seats, the survey puts Congress marginally ahead, giving the grand old party anywhere between 108-120 seats if the polls were held today. BJP, which will contest the upcoming polls under the leadership of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, is expected to secure 106-118 seats.
In case of a hung assembly, the support of independents will be crucial for both the parties.
In the 2018 polls, the Congress won 114 seats in the 230-member house -- five more than the BJP's tally of 109. Despite falling short of securing a simple majority, Congress formed a government with the help of four independents.
In 2018, Kamal Nath became the CM. But the victory was short-lived as 22 MLAs of the Congress, including senior leader Jyotiraditya Scindia, resigned from the party and joined the BJP. After this, BJP's Shivraj Singh Chouhan returned as the CM on March 23, 2020.
The BJP currently has 127 members and the Congress 96.
The 2023 election will be a litmus test for the BJP, which has been in power in MP for almost 20 years, except the 18-month regime of the Congress in 2018-2019.
Chouhan, who prefers to call himself Mama, is in his fourth term and is facing a huge anti-incumbency. Over the last few months, the veteran BJP leader has announced a slew of new welfare schemes to woo the voters like the Ladli Behna scheme that promises women Rs 1,000 per month to ensuring Rs 5 per meal under the Deendayal Antyodaya Rasoi scheme.
(Madhya Pradesh will go to polls at the end of the year. Congress won in 2018 but in 2020 BJP came to power after Scindia's rebellion. What is the mood of Madhya Pradesh now? Regarding this, C Voter has done the biggest opinion poll in Madhya Pradesh for ABP News. The opinion of 17,113 people has been taken in the survey. The survey has been done from May 26 to June 26. It has a margin of error plus minus 3 to plus minus 5 per cent.)