ABP Cvoter Opinion Poll 2024: The Election Commission of India (ECI) is set to unveil the schedule for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections on Saturday. In a post on social media platform X, the EC announced that a press conference will be held at 3 pm on Saturday to announce the schedule for the Lok Sabha elections and some state assemblies. The present term of the Lok Sabha is due to end on June 16, necessitating the formation of a new House before that.
As the much-awaited poll schedule is set to be announced, an opinion poll by ABP News in association with CVoter gauged public satisfaction with the performance of the Modi government as well as Prime Minister Narendra Modi, revealing varying sentiments across different regions. It also sought to ascertain who voters prefer as the Prime Ministerial face between Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi
PM Modi Vs Rahul Gandhi: Who Is Preferred Prime Minister Choice Across States
Regarding the Prime Minister's choice, a majority of respondents in various states, including Bihar, Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal, favoured Narendra Modi over Rahul Gandhi. For instance, in Bihar, 62% expressed satisfaction with Narendra Modi, compared to 32% for Rahul Gandhi. Similar trends were observed in other states.
Modi Govt's Performance
In Bihar, 44% of respondents expressed being very much satisfied with the Central Government's performance, while 22% were satisfied to some extent. In Delhi, nearly 41% reported being very satisfied, with Haryana at 46%, Karnataka at 53%, Maharashtra at 26.5%, Uttar Pradesh at 49%, and West Bengal at 31%. The overall satisfaction rate for all of India stood at 40%.
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Performance
The satisfaction with the Prime Minister's performance also showed mixed results. In Bihar, 51.56% of respondents reported being very satisfied with PM's work, while 21.6% were satisfied to some extent. Meanwhile, 25.1% expressed dissatisfaction. In Karnataka, 61.9% were very satisfied with the Prime Minister, followed by Delhi with 50.9%, Maharashtra with 41.5%, Uttar Pradesh with 58.4%, and West Bengal with 43.78%. The overall satisfaction rate for all India was 51.41%.
[Disclaimer: Current survey findings and projections are based on CVoter Opinion Poll Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) conducted among 41,762 adults, all confirmed voters. The surveys were conducted from February 1 to March 10, 2024. The data is weighted to the known demographic profile of the States. Sometimes the table figures do not sum to 100 due to the effects of rounding. The final data has socio-economic profiles within +/- 1% of the demographic profile of the states. We believe this will give the closest possible trends. The sample spread is across all 543 electoral constituencies in the country. The margin of error is +/- 5% and the vote share projections have been done with 95% confidence interval.]
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