New Delhi: Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday cast his vote at a polling station in Aurangzeb Lane in New Delhi. Addressing media personnel after casting his franchise, Rahul said that Prime Minister Modi has spread hatred among citizens in his campaign speeches for the general elections, but the message of love by the Congress party shall eventually prevail supreme and win over BJP’s “hatred”, in the Lok Sabha elections.
Gandhi told the media after voting in the New Delhi parliamentary constituency that the three or four main issues in this election included unemployment, farm distress, a poor economy and corruption.
He declined to comment on the number of seats the Congress could win in the election. "The people will decide that," he said. Delhi recorded 7.6 percent voter turnour in all seven Lok Sabha constituencies, in the sixth phase of polling on Sunday, 12 May.
Voting began in all seven Lok Sabha constituencies of Delhi, in the sixth phase of polling on Sunday, 12 May.
Phase 6 of the Lok Sabha Election 2019 is currently underway. Seven seats will go to the polls today including Delhi. There are 59 parliamentary seats up for grabs in this phase. The states polling today are Bihar (8 parliamentary constituencies), Haryana (10), Jharkhand (4), Madhya Pradesh (8), Uttar Pradesh (14), West Bengal (8) and Delhi-NCR (7).
2019 LS polls | I think love will triumph over BJP's 'hatred': Rahul Gandhi after casting vote
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
12 May 2019 10:49 AM (IST)
Gandhi told the media after voting in the New Delhi parliamentary constituency that the three or four main issues in this election included unemployment, farm distress, a poor economy and corruption.
Rahul Gandhi
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