The voting in Vishwas Nagar constituency in the 2020 Assembly Elections took place on 8th February. Deepak Singla is contesting on Aam Aadmi Party ticket, OP Sharma is contesting on Bharatiya Janata Party ticket and Gurcharan Singh Rau is Congress Party candidate. Voting in Vishwas Nagar Assembly was held on 8 February in which 62.23% voters exercised their vote. Counting of votes in Vishwas Nagar Assembly will begin today from 8 am, whose latest information will be available on this page.

Here are the past results of the Assembly polls in Vishwas Nagar constituency

• 1993 Assembly Elections: In 2nd Assembly election, interesting battle was seen seen between BJP and INC. BJP candidate defeated his INC counterpart with a difference of 6560 votes.
• 1998 Assembly Elections: In 3rd Assembly election, interesting battle was seen seen between INC and BJP. INC candidate defeated his BJP counterpart with a difference of 456 votes.
• 2003 Assembly Elections: In 4th Assembly election, INC candidate defeated BJP candidate with a difference of 21949 votes. Here, INC leader Naseeb Singh attained 48897 votes and BJP candidate Madan Lal Gaba bagged 26948 votes
• 2008 Assembly Elections: In 5th Assembly election, interesting battle was seen seen between INC and BJP. INC candidate defeated his BJP counterpart with a difference of 9629 votes.
• 2013 Assembly Elections: In 6th Assembly election, interesting battle was seen seen between BJP and INC. BJP candidate defeated his INC counterpart with a difference of 7799 votes.

Know who are contesting over BJP, AAP and INC tickets: