New Delhi: Taking a dig at the BJP, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Monday said the people of Jharkhand have given the mandate and the President should not be disturbed at 5 a.m. to form the government and the Governor should not even bother to swear the oath to the government secretly.

His remarks were a reference to the government formation by BJP in Maharashtra when in a sudden development, Devendra Fadnavis was sworn in as the Maharashtra Chief Minister and NCP leader Ajit Pawar as his deputy by Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari in an early morning closed-door event.

In a tweet in Hindi, Sisodia said: "The people of Jharkhand have given the mandate. This also includes that -- the President should not be disturbed at five o'clock in the morning to form the government, and the Governor should not bother to swear the oath to the government secretly."

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