New Delhi: A woman was arrested for allegedly duping people on the pretext of providing their children admissions in private schools under the economically weaker sections (EWS) category, police said on Tuesday. The accused has been identified as Aarti Dubey, a resident of Madhu Vihar, they said. On Monday, a woman complainant, a resident of West Vinod Nagar, filed a case where she stated that she works at a curtain shop where she met Dubey in March around three-four years back, police said. Dubey had come to the shop to buy some curtains and took her phone number, they said.

In her complaint, the complainant said Dubey called her the next day and claimed that she knew many people in the Delhi government and can easily get their children admitted to any school across the city. Later, the complainant said when she told Dubey that her son was studying in a private school in east Delhi under the general quota and if she could help him in getting admission under the EWS category, it stated.

Dubey said she can do it for the complainant and asked her to give Rs 70,000. She also said there are many seats in the school and she can help other children also in getting admission under the same category, the complaint said. Thereafter, the complainant's friends and relatives approached her for admission and gave her Rs 4,91,000 in advance.

Dubey took them to the school in April and purchased uniforms and got ID cards for children. Later, she said their admission process has been completed and the students can attend the classes from May 3 onwards, the complaint stated. However, the students never got admission in the school and when the victims demanded her to return their money, the accused started avoiding them. She returned Rs 1,49,000 to the victims and gave two cheques that later bounced, following which a case was lodged and Dubey was arrested, police added. A case has been registered under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, said Jasmeet Singh, Deputy Commissioner of Police (East).

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