The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) is planning to conduct board examinations in 2022 after the state assembly election. Elections are scheduled to be held in Uttar Pradesh in March next year. However, the 10th and 12th pre-board examinations will be held in January 2022. 

How many students applied?

According to media reports, about 51 lakh students have registered this year for Class 10 and Class 12 board examinations. Out of a total of 51 lakh students, more than 27 lakh have applied for Class 10 board exams, while more than 23 lakh candidates have applied for Class 12 board exams.

However, students are advised to keep checking the official website of the UP board to know the latest updates about the exams. The official website of UPMSP is -

Elections to change exam schedule

The board generally conducts final exams in the February-March period. The elections are also likely to be held during February-March. Polling stations will be set up in schools and teachers will be appointed for duty. That is why the UP Board has decided to conduct the 2022 board exams after the assembly election. Students are advised to visit the official website for any latest updates.

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