In a message to students, Sharma said, “The class 10th board examination is the first milestone in a student's life, while the class 12th board examination is the second one. Both these examinations decide the future, and hence they extremely important.”
Speaking about the strictness measures to avoid cheating and notorious activities, the government has said that the invigilator and centre superintendent would be held responsible and booked if any case of cheating is reported from their centre. As many as 8354 examination centres will have CCTV cameras and voice recording devices installed.
The state board examination will start on February 7, 2019. The high secondary examination will end on February, 28 and the senior secondary examination will be conducted till March 2. The state government has identified as many as 1,314 centres as sensitive and 448 as highly sensitive. In order to conduct the examination peacefully in these areas, the government has deployed special task forces.
Mathura district is considered to be one of the most sensitive areas and all preparations have been made, including measures to tackle the notorious cheating mafia active here. Cyber cafes and other such centres would remain shut during examination hours. The district has been divided into different zones and a static magistrate would be deployed at every examination centre.
The state government has also stated that the district officials will be held accountable if any incidents of cheating or paper leak reported.
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