The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) has rescheduled the UP Board Class 10 and Class 12 Compartment exams for 2023. The revised date for these exams is July 22, as confirmed by UPMSP Secretary Divya Kant Shukla. Initially scheduled for July 15, the board made the change to exam date due to unforeseen circumstances. The exams will be conducted across 96 examination centers in Uttar Pradesh, accommodating a total of 44,669 candidates. Among the candidates, 18,400 students will be appearing for the Class 10 compartment exam, while 26,269 students will be taking the Class 12 compartment exam.

The UP Board Compartment Exam 2023 for both Class 10 and Class 12 will be conducted in two separate sessions. The Class 10 exam is scheduled for the morning session from 8 AM to 11:15 AM, while the Class 12 improvement-compartment exam will take place in the afternoon session from 2 PM to 5:15 PM.

UP Board Compartment Exam Guidelines

UPMSP has issued guidelines for students appearing in the improvement-cum-compartment exams. As per the guidelines, students from Class 10 are required to report to the examination centers at 7:15 AM, while Class 12 students should report at 1:15 PM, which is 45 minutes prior to the start of the exams.

To ensure fair and transparent conduct of the exams, the UPMSP has announced that the improvement-cum-compartment exams will be conducted under CCTV surveillance. In order to maintain the integrity of the exams, students are strictly advised not to carry any prohibited items to the examination centers. These prohibited items include mobile phones, pagers, smartwatches, calculators, or any other electronic devices.

It is important for students to adhere to these guidelines and cooperate with the examination authorities to ensure a smooth and secure examination process.

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Notably, the UP Board has granted recognition to a total of 587 private schools across the state. The government has provided recognition to 381 schools in the first phase and 206 schools in the second phase. Some schools have received direct recognition for classes 6 to 12, while others have been recognized for additional classes and subjects. 

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