UGC NET Exam 2021 Preparation Tips and Tricks : Every year, more than 10 lakh candidates register to appear in the NTA UGC NET examination. However, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has postponed the UGC NET Examination 2021, which was scheduled to be conducted from October 17 to October 25, 2021. The revised dates will be announced soon. The UGC NET examination is to be conducted for both December 2020 and June 2021 cycles. The level of competition is expected to rise this year. Let's know some tips and tricks that can help you crack the NTA UGC NET Exam 2021.

Make notes of the most frequently asked questions

Your notes should not only be a collection of essential definitions but should also include answers to frequently asked questions. This is important so that during your revision you can improve your practice. This strategy will help you with Paper-I subjects such as Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, Research Aptitude, which does not have definitions but only tricks to solve questions quickly.

Shortcut method for Reasoning and Aptitude questions

Reasoning and aptitude questions can be solved through two approaches: a lengthy and detailed method or a shortcut. The shortcut method will give you time to revise your answers before submitting them. Focus on short tricks and co-relate them with long methods to understand the applied technique.

Paper-I Preparation

Candidates often prepare well for Paper-II, which contains questions from their selected subjects, but don't give enough time to prepare for Paper-I. Our advice is that preparation time should be equally allocated to each paper. Prepare each subject individually through the standard study material and practice maximum questions before the exam.

Practice Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is not prepared like the Reasoning part. Thus, it is essential to develop smart study concepts. To excel in this part, you can practice reading comprehension by picking up a paragraph from any book, preparing questions based on it, and then solving them.

Knowledge, Speed, and Accuracy

The knowledge of subjects in preparation for UGC NET is undoubtedly very much necessary but time management is equally important. Practising will not only improve your knowledge bank but also make you proficient in speed and accuracy.  While practising questions, give yourself time and aim to solve a question within a minute (assuming 150 questions in 3 hours or 180 minutes). Gradually, aim to improve the time it takes to answer a question. Since there is no negative marking in the exam, attempt all the questions.

Practice Online Mock Test

The exam will be conducted in CBT (computer-based test), so it is recommended that candidates practice mock tests online. The online test series often have an online timer and an interface that resembles the CBT exam interface. This way you will gain experience and it would be easier for you to answer questions within the proposed time limit during the real exam. Free mock tests and previous year papers are available on NTA's official website.




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