Addressing the Lok Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the government is taking decisive steps to address the NEET exam leak controversy. He reassured students and the youth that the government is committed to preventing such malpractices and is taking decisive actions to safeguard their future. The Centre is very serious about paper leaks and those playing with the future of youth won't be spared, PM Modi Narendra Modi said. He said the government is taking steps on war footing to prevent this.

He said that arrests are being made continuously across the country in the NEET case. The central government has already made a strict law. Necessary steps are being taken to strengthen the entire system of conducting the examination.

The opposition has been targeting the Centre over paper leaks and called for a debate in Parliament. Today, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav accused the government of deliberately allowing paper leaks to deny jobs to youth. During his hour-long address, the Prime Minister launched a strong attack on the Congress and Rahul Gandhi. PM Modi criticised the Congress for allegedly promoting caste divisions, possibly referring to the caste census.

Meanwhile, Leader of the Opposition Rahul Gandhi has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, requesting him to facilitate a debate on the NEET issue in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. He said the Opposition's request to discuss the issue related to the medical entrance exam NEET was denied in both Houses of Parliament on June 28 as well as on Monday, and added that the Lok Sabha speaker had assured the Opposition that he would discuss the matter with the government.

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The Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha said the aim was to engage constructively to find a way forward. I am writing to request for a debate in Parliament on NEET, Gandhi said in his letter to the prime minister on Tuesday.

Our aim is to engage constructively to find a way forward. At this moment, our only concern is the welfare of nearly 24 lakh NEET aspirants across India, he said. Referring to the government's move to postpone other examinations and replace the Director General of the National Testing Agency, he said these moves are to cover up the systemic breakdown of our centralised testing system. 

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