New Delhi: In modified guidelines on unlocking of schools released on Wednesday, the Union ministry of education has left it upon the states and Union Territories to decide whether schools are required to take the consent of parents or guardians before allowing in-person classes for students.

"The decision on whether or not parental consent is required for attending physical classes by the students may be taken by the respective states and UT governments,” states the modified Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)for reopening of schools uploaded by the Ministry of Education on its portal on Wednesday.

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What are key instructions under the modified SOP?

The guidelines also stressed a smooth transition of students from home-based schooling to formal schooling by way of teaching bridge courses and identification of students based on learning levels, the introduction of large-scale remedial programmes to mitigate learning loss, and ensuring emotional well-being of students and teachers.

In order to curb drop-outs, the Centre has urged states that have amended their state Right to Education (RTE) rules to allow for detention in classes V and VIII to consider relaxing the rules this year.

Going by the previous set of guidelines issued on October 5, last year the states and UTs had to mandatorily take the consent of parents or guardians. “Attendance must not be enforced, and must depend entirely on parental consent” said the clause in the SOP which has now been modified.

With resurgence of Covid cases in the third wave after the modified SOP was issued on December 17, the authorities once again were forced to suspend classroom lectures again.

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