RRB Recruitment 2019: The Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB) has released a slew of central employment notifications - RRB CEN 01/2019, RRB CEN 02/2019 and RRB CEN 03/2019, and RRC-01/2019 through which it aims to create a whopping 1.3 lac jobs in NTPC, Para Medical, Ministerial and Isolated Categories and Level-1 posts. The main notification is scheduled to release in the employment newspaper’s 23 rd February 2019 to 3 rd March 2019 edition, as per which, the online application process will commence with RRB CEN 01/2019 for NTPC recruitment on 28th February 2019, followed by Para-Medical Staff recruitment from 4th March 2019 via RRB CEN 02/2019, Ministerial and Isolated Categories recruitment from 8th March 2019 via RRB CEN 03/2019 and Level-1 recruitment from 12th March 2019 via RRC CEN 01/2019.

RRB Recruitment 2019 – Vacancy Details:

NTPC – Non-Technical Popular Categories

Junior Clerk cum Typist, Account Clerk cum Typist, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistance, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Commercial Apprentice, Station Master, etc.

Para Medical Staff Posts:

Staff Nurse, Health and Malaria Inspector, Pharmacist, ECG Technician, Lab Technician, Lab Superintendent, etc.

Ministerial and Isolated Categories:

Stenographer, Chief Law Assistant, Junior Translator Hindi, etc

Level 1 Posts:

Track Maintainer Grade IV, Helper/Assistant in various Technical departments, Assistant Pointsman, etc.

Out of the total 1,30,000 vacancies notified by the Indian Railways, a major chunk of 1,00,000 vacancies is for Level 1 posts, while NTPC, Para Medical Staff and Ministerial and Isolated Category posts sum up the rest of 30,000 vacancies.

Candidates interested in applying for the above-mentioned posts must keep a close tab on the official regional Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) websites and submit online applications as per the schedule mentioned above.

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