The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) has released the MP Board 5th, 8th Result 2023. MP Board Class 5 and 8 results has been announced by the School Education Minister, Inder Singh Parmar. The MPBSE 5th and 8th results link is activated online at the Rajya Shiksha Kendra's official website- To access the MP Board Result 2023, Class 5, 8, students will need to submit credentials. In the Class 5th exams, 82.27% of the students have successfully passed, while in the Class 8th exams, the pass percentage is 76.09%. In both the 5th and 8th classes of the MP Board result for the year 2023, girls have shown better performance compared to boys. In Class 5, a total of 5,73,159 girls appeared for the exam, out of which 4,83,283 girls passed, resulting in a pass percentage of 84.32%. On the other hand, out of the 6,06,724 boys who appeared for the exam, 4,87,418 boys passed, resulting in a pass percentage of 80.34%.

Similarly, in Class 8, out of the 5,19,444 girls who appeared for the exam, 4,09,618 girls passed, resulting in a pass percentage of 78.86%. In comparison, out of the 5,46,961 boys who appeared for the exam, 4,09,618 boys passed, resulting in a pass percentage of 73.46%. Once again, girls have performed better than boys in terms of pass percentage in Class 8.

MP Board 5th, 8th Result 2023 Direct Link

In the MP Board 5th result for the year 2023, rural students have achieved a higher pass percentage compared to urban students. The pass percentage for rural students in Class 5 is 85.58%, while for urban students, it is 72.73%. Similarly, in the MP Board 8th result, rural students have outperformed urban students in terms of pass percentage. The pass percentage for rural students in Class 8 is 78.96%, whereas for urban students, it is 68.83%.

MP Board 5th, 8th Result 2023: Know How To Check Result On App

Follow the below steps to check MP Board 5th, 8th Result on mobile app:

Step 1: Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.

Step 2: Search for and download the MPBSE app, MP Mobile, or the Fast Result app.

Step 3: Once the app is installed, open it on your device.

Step 4: Provide your mobile number as requested in the app.

Step 5: Enter your roll code/number when prompted and submit the information.

Step 6: After submitting the required details, the app will display the result for your 5th or 8th-grade examination.

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