PM Modi took to twitter today to officially invite students, parents and teachers for the 2023 edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha. Soon after his tweet, registrations for Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 also began. Students of class 9 and class 10 can register themselves for PPC (Pariksha Pe Charcha) 2023 on till December 30, 20222. 

I call upon all ExamWarriors, their parents and teachers to take part in these interesting activities relating to Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023. Let us collectively work towards creating a stress free environment for our students,” read PM Modi’s tweet. 

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The Prime Minister’s tweet came as a retweet of a tweet of the Ministry of Education from November 28. A couple of days earlier, the education ministry notified about the upcoming PPC 2023, and urged exam warriors (students, their parents and teachers) to participate in the same. 

The ministry in its tweet also highlighted that by participating in the PPC 2023, exam warriors can also get a chance to directly interact with Prime Minister Modi. After registering for PPC 2023 on, students can participate in the PPC 2023 contest and get an opportunity to interact with PM Modi. 

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The Pariksha Pe Charcha is an interactive session conducted every year since 2018, before the exam season. In the session, Prime Minister Modi motivates and helps students seamlessly gear up for the upcoming exam session. Through the session, PM Modi aims to reduce the exam stress among students and help them brace the exam session as a festive season. 

During the interaction, PM Modi also shares some constructive suggestions and exam tips with students, teachers, and parents to make the exams more interesting. Through his Pariksha Pe Charcha session, PM Modi has always insisted on making the examination environment as stress-free as possible for students heading towards their board exams. 

Once the Pariksha Pe Charcha Online Registration Process closes on December 30, the Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 Dates shall be shortly announced. Based on the previous trends, the PPC 2023 is likely to be organised in the last week of March or the first week of April 2023. 

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