In a tragic incident, a 16-year-old JEE aspirant, Abhishek Mandal from Bhagalpur, Bihar, reportedly took his own life by consuming poison in his paying guest accommodation. Mandal likely passed away late Thursday night, news agency PTI quoted Circle Officer DSP Dharmveer Singh as saying. The incident came to light when Abhishek’s parents, who were worried over his unresponsiveness to their calls, sought assistance from the paying guest caretaker to check on him. After inspection, Abhishek was found unconscious in his room, prompting immediate medical attention. However, he was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.
A suicide note addressed to his father was found, where Mandal expressed his despair over his inability to crack the JEE examination. The note read, "Papa Mere se JEE Nahi Ho Payega, Sorry, I quit" (Papa I will not be able to crack JEE. Sorry, I quit). Police have recovered a vial of Celphos, a poisonous substance, from Abhishek's room, which tells the possible cause of his demise. Investigations by the police revealed that Mandal was scheduled to appear for the JEE Session-1 exam on January 29 but failed to do so, as per records from his coaching institute.
The authorities have placed Mandal's body in a mortuary, awaiting the arrival of his parents from Bihar for further proceedings. This unfortunate incident marks the fifth suicide by a coaching student in Kota since January, adding to the distressing tally of 26 student suicides recorded in Kota during 2023.
Notably, JEE exam has long been associated with academic pressure and stress-related issues among its student population. Kota is known for its coaching centers that prepare students for tough exams like the JEE. But with fame comes pressure and many students struggle with stress. At least 26 coaching students had died by suicide in Kota in 2023.
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