New Delhi: National Testing Agency (NTA) issued the dates for the Common University Entrance Test (CUET UG) 2022 on Wednesday. A notification said the NTA will conduct the CUET across different centres between July 15 and July 20, and August 4 and August 10 this year.
“National Testing Agency will be conducting Common University Entrance Test CUET (UG) - 2022 at different centres located in 554 cities across India and 13 Cities Outside-India,” UGC chairman M Jagadesh Kumar said.
“Since, it is the only exam for entry into Central University System (UG Courses), the Registration is once again being opened on the demand of the Candidates,” the NTA said in its official notification.
Notably, the application process will reopen from June 23 and will conclude on June 24. Also, those who have already applied can make changes to their application process till July 24. The application and correction process links can be found at the official websites,,
As of now, a total of 9,50,804 candidates have registered for admission into 86 universities, out of which there are 43 Central Universities, 13 State Universities, 12 Deemed, UGC chief M Jagadesh Kumar said.
It is to be noted that the candidates can take the test in any of the 13 mediums being offered, select any preferrable combination out of 33 languages and 27 unique subjects, as per the regulation.
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