NEET-PG Counselling 2021: Supreme Court of India asks the Union government to put the counselling for NEET-PG 2021 on hold until it decides the validity of the Centre's decision to introduce OBC and EWS reservation in All India Quota (AIQ).

The apex court bench led by Justice DY Chandrachud was hearing a petition challenging the Centre's and Medical Counselling Committee's (MCC) decision to implement a 27 per cent quota for Other Backward Class (OBC) and 10 per cent for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category in NEET admissions for the medical courses.

The Union government on Monday assured the apex court that the NEET PG counselling 2021 will not begin until the top court comes to a conclusion. Additional Solicitor General (ASG) KM Nataraj on behalf of the central government gave the assurance to the Supreme Court after Senior Advocate Arvind Datar mentioned the matter.

Advocate Datar told the apex court that the Medical Counselling Committee has already released the schedule for the NEET PG counselling 2021. In response to Datar, ASG Nataraj said, "This notice that you've gotten hold of was meant for just the colleges for the purpose of verification of seats."

Justice DY Chandrachud then intervened ASG Nataraj and asked for assurance from the centre that the counselling will not be conducted till the apex court reaches a final decision. "Absolutely you can, My Lord. Mr Datar can directly contact me if there is any difficulty," Nataraj responded.




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